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Snowbirds Fitness program have 5 components.  These are: aerobic fitness, muscular fitness, flexibility, balance, relaxation. Additionally, there are elements of mental games and stimulation. For equipment, we use simple but very effective training devices developed in Europe.  These include: smoveyVIBROSWING, Nordic Walking Poles and GymStick-resistance bands. Most classes have fitness/dance combo, with age proper music.
Nordic walking is defined as fitness walking with specially designed poles. Its concept was developed on the basis of off-season ski-training activity, and was popularized in 1999. With its growing popularity, nordic walking has become one of the fastest growing recreational activities in the world.

Nordic Walking has many health benefits. It’s a great and wonderful fitness activity for people of all ages and fitness levels. Some of the benefits include, but are not limited to:

- improve cardiovascular and aerobic fitness

- increase energy consumption

- reduce pressure of joints

- increase muscular fitness

- strengthened balance and stability

- improve posture

- reduce physical tension

The smoveyVibroswing puts health in your hands!  The smovey rings were developed in Europe and are only now being introduced in the U.S.  Smovey is a low impact, exceptional health-,fitness- and therapeutic training device.  Smovey Rings were developed by Johann Salzwimmer, an Austrian tennis instructor, who, when diagnosed with Parkinson’s Disease, was determined to develop exercise equipment and techniques to stabilize his health and keep his illness at bay. With smovey you can mobilize, strengthen or relax your body in any environment indoor/outdoor/in water.

GYMSTICK - safe and effective fitness tool, that is specially designed to tone and define every muscle in your body...mobilty, balance,flexibility & coordination

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